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The Tanglewood

ID Number: C0551
(What's included?)
House Plan Details
ID Number: C0551
1st Floor:  1543 sq.ft.
2nd Floor:  582 sq.ft.
Total Sq. Ft.:  2125'
Width:  41' 6"
Length:  56'
Bedrooms:  3
Bathrooms:  3
1/2 Bathroom:  Yes
Screened In Porch:  No
Covered Porch:  200 sq.ft.
Deck:  No
Loft:  No
1st Flr. Master:  Yes
Basement:  No
Garage:  No
Elevated:  No
Two Masters:  No
Mother In Law Suite:  No
Upside Down:  No
Elevator:  No
Tower:  No

Floor Plans (Click to reverse floor plans)

1st Floor
2nd Floor

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